Last year, for my birthday, I posted 31 fun facts about me as a person {you can read that HERE, if you so wish}. I realize that’s fun & all, & you’re likely to be disappointed that I’m flippin’ the script for this year, BUT… this is a RUNNING blog/website after all! I hope these tips are helpful on your running journey. I am so excited to enter the next age of my life & I am beyond blessed to have my family & friends, my career, my running, all of my athletes, & so much more!
1) For most people, running is a hobby & a way of life to maintain physical fitness– NOT their chosen career path. Always remember to enjoy the journey, regardless of how great or how unbearable it might be!
2) Surround yourself with like-minded people. This will be vital for long-term success in the sport, & in life.
3) Rotating your running shoes will prevent injury.
4) Quality running clothes always win over cheap ones that chafe. Lululemon is my #1 recommended brand!
5) Sweating is a good thing. It’s the ceasing of sweating that should worry you.
6) If you get black toenails, your running shoes are most likely too small.
7) Train in the rain, seriously. It’s refreshing & a change of pace; plus, it really makes you appreciate the non-rainy run days even more.
8) Don’t knock toe socks until you’ve tried them. Injinji’s are the best!!
9) The first mile of most (?all) races should be your slowest, NOT your fastest.
10) Never underestimate the power of a good massage or ART session.
11) Vary your running terrain, making sure to include concrete, asphalt, & trails. Everything in moderation.
12) If you’ve never run a relay race, like a Ragnar or the Colonial 200, you really should consider it. They’re exhausting, but quite a blast!
13) If you haven’t been professionally assessed by a running store, don’t run another mile until your feet, gait, & shoes are examined!
14) Hire a running coach. Seriously, you won’t regret it!
15) If you are able to run with a group, DO IT! So motivating & it can help you push yourself harder than you ever would solo.
16) If your running an “easy run”, the pace should be at a level that you’re neither fatigued nor out of breath.
17) When increasing total weekly mileage, advancing by 10% per week is a good rule of thumb.
18) A dedicated & reliable running partner is priceless. A slightly faster one of those is like hitting the jackpot!
19) In case you forgot #1, don’t forget to ENJOY this running journey that you’re on!
20) Body Glide is your friend, especially in the summer.
21) Once you have an established mileage base, varying your workout type (easy, long, tempo, speed) will help keep your attention; not to mention the amazing improvements you’ll notice in your running times.
22) Running is not all-inclusive. You also need to focus on strength-training, cross-training, & good ole stretching!
23) Speaking of other aspects to a successful runner’s life, your focus should also include a proper, well-balanced diet & adequate hydration.
24) If you have a bad run, leave it on the pavement. Don’t dwell on the past– as with in life, push on forward.
25) Always run on the side of the road FACING traffic. Be safe always!
26) Minimum daily hydration should be 64oz. (remember those 8-8oz. cups that have always been recommended?!). And on sweaty run days, keep on drinking. Oh & it’s water that I’m referring to, not beer!
27) Rest days are 150% necessary, & encouraged!
28) {from my better half} Run Hard, Run Strong, Just Don’t Run Wrong!
29) When looking at the weather, focus not only on the temperature, but also the humidity & dew point.
30) When the humidity & dew point are high, don’t forget to replace your electrolytes losses. Some faves of The Running Blonde are: Nuun, Salt Sticks, & Honey Stinger chews.
31) When purchasing all of your running necessaries mentioned in this post, please shop local! Supporting your local small businesses is so important for the betterment of your own individual communities.
32) If all else fails on race day, & your running isn’t going well, just have a blast! Smile at everyone. High five all the kids. Dance a little jig to the beat of the street band. And by all means, HAVE FUN!
And I know there are plenty more, but this is a good starting point!!