Two days after the Shamrock ½ Marathon last month, I signed up for the Inaugural ODU Big Blue 5K. It would be the 8th J&A race I would run, & my 4th 5K experience. I was initially on the fence, as it altered my original plan to run ONE race per month for the year of 2014 {my April race had already been determined to be the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler; click here for that recap}. It was also a bit expensive in my opinion, at $40 a pop. However, as a prior ODU student, wife of an ODU alumni, & overall Monarch fan, I decide to run it merely for the experience!
During the week leading up to the race, I took it very easy. It ended up being my lowest mileage week of the year so far. That was okay though, since I had just run a hard-effort 10 mile race only 6 days prior to the 5K. I also took it easy since my knee was feeling better & I didn’t want to mess up a good thing!
The night before the race, hubby & I had a nice date night out to dinner at a local restaurant in Portsmouth called Stove. As a side note, I wasn’t super impressed with the restaurant… just not my cup of tea {P.S. the dessert however was fantastic! See below}. However, any date night with my hubby I will certainly take!!
Race morning began at 7:35am. It was ahh-mazing to wake up for a race, without an alarm clock blaring & not at “oh-dark-thirty”. After play time with the munchkins, I prepared a breakfast of scrambled eggs & enjoyed 2 of my Hummingbird Muffins. At 9:30am, we loaded the car up & headed the couple of miles over to the race location. I picked up my packet then we watched the 1K run, mostly cute little kids. After a short warm-up (maybe ½ mile), I headed to the start. For this race, there were 5 corrals & my bib put me in the first one.
Once the horn blew, off we went! The first mile was much harder than most {okay, maybe all!} of my initial race miles. I definitely started out too fast & knew I had given too much by the halfway point.
Mile 1 – 7:09
By mile 2, I was super parched! Where’s the water stop?! About this time I was really feeling the 79°F with 37% humidity that would be the race weather; according to my Garmin. MUCH different than the recent running conditions & bitter winter weather we experienced for the past few months. Somewhere during this mile, I knew I would not PR. Sad, but hey, such is life.
Mile 2 – 7:54
My overall thought process during the 3rd mile, besides “Are we done yet?!” was make sure there is a 7:xx on the mile split. Well, that didn’t happen. Oh well, during mile 3 I was greeted with slippery grass on a field (I think that was during this part of the race!), more curvy twists & turns, & an attempt to dodge a cone. Ha! I was also happily greeted with sideline high fives from a couple of cute little gals, one being a friends’ daughter. They definitely gave me the final push I needed to get to the finish line.
Mile 3 – 8:02
Heading into the stadium, I tried to kick it… but dang if that slippery grass didn’t slow me down?! How the heck do the football players do it? I now understand why they so easily fall down & tackle one another! Apparently a few friends saw me at this point, as well as my hubby & kiddos with my sister. Clearly I had tunnel vision because I didn’t even see them. I just wanted to make it to the finish line & BE DONE!
Final 0.12 to the finish – 7:26
OFFICIAL TIME – 24:00 (7:45/mile overall average pace)
*Garmin Time – 23:59 (7:41/mile overall average pace)*
14th female overall, out of 1,070
5th runner in the 30-34 age group
So, what did I learn today? Well, a couple of things. First, I missed Julie being there to pace me to a PR. Although I feel I pace fairly well for the distance races, I definitely need work for the shorter races. I also know I am a better runner in the cold weather. Nearly 80°F with the sun beaming down is lovely at the beach, but not when you’re trying to PR on the pavement! I also learned that when I beat myself up over not PR’ing, the overall results can actually boost my feelings on a particular race. Prior to seeing that I placed amongst the top 15 females, I was internally beating myself up. Critically thinking where I could have pushed a little more to get a couple extra seconds off my time. I need to just realize that as long as I give it my all, it is my best & I should not be defeated. Overall, I am happy with my performance & the newest race in the J&A Racing arsenal!
Up Next for The Running Blonde: Who Knows?! My race for May is TBD….. 🙂