My running over the past 10-ish days, since the Shamrock ½ Marathon has been in a bit of a lull period. I’ve mentally thought of it as a running depression. I’ve never been one to take too many rest/recovery days after a race. Getting in a couple leg-moving-runs has always felt good & been just what I needed to reflect on the respective race that I had just completed. That didn’t really happen this time.
After crossing the finish line almost two weeks ago, my left knee started aching pretty badly. The original knee twinge came on Christmas Day & has intermittently bothered me, but nothing like this. As I think back, I really should have walked longer & not stopped right away for photo ops. I probably should have stretched sooner too. I did remember the RICE steps (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) & iced the knee as soon as we arrived home. However, I fear the damage was done. Six days after the race, I wore a cute outfit with heels to dinner. The walking from my car to the restaurant was excruciating. I knew I needed to have my knee checked out. Certainly I have given up pedicures & have embraced my ugly running feet, but I won’t be giving up cute shoes!!
This past Tuesday, I took the first step in getting my knee better…. and my mental sadness (ha!) associated with not running much this past week. I had a LOOOONNNNG overdue 60 minute Deep Tissue Massage. Can you say heavenly?! I can’t recall the last time I had a massage; but it was definitely prior to being pregnant & having the twins (they are 27 months old). My massage therapist really got me thinking…. as she worked out some very tight quad & hamstring muscles. We runners need to view massages & other activities that take care of our body as “maintenance”. Just like we replace our shoes when they reach their max mileage, we need to treat a massage as a necessity & not a luxury. My next step, if it doesn’t feel better over the next couple of days, a PT appointment. Thank goodness for such a strong local running community & I have been referred to some of best in the business!
I feel lucky enough that during my almost 5 years of running, I’ve never had a real injury. Sure I’ve had aches & pains, sprains & strains; but nothing that has sidelined me. During my first of only 2 runs last week, I ran 3 miles, with plans to run an additional 1.5 miles more after the boys played at the local park. As we left the playground & headed towards home with the boys happily sitting in their double BOB stroller, I had to do something I’ve never done before. I stopped running at 0.1 miles (YES, you read that correct… ONE TENTH of a mile) for fear of causing serious damage or having my leg give out from under me. Perhaps though, this was a blessing in disguise. During our {now} walk home, the boys got to play with a cute little worm; which of course I captured on video & their adorableness radiates! They also enjoyed getting out of the stroller & stretching their {hopefully} runners legs!
While I certainly enjoy pleasant surprises such as playing with my children & worms (yuck!), I never want to be permanently sidelined from running. One of my new goals for this year is to get my leg fully healed– keeping up with the massages, foam rolling after every run, & stretch.stretch.stretch! I will say though, I have thoroughly enjoyed researching all the options out there on knee-related injuries & I hope it improves my coaching knowledge base.
Have you ever had a nagging injury? What did you find to be most effective in getting you back to 100 percent?
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