As fall training season is upon us, you might be asking yourself, “Do I need a running coach?” The answer is simple. Yes. Novice, experienced, & elite runners alike can benefit from the assistance of a seasoned running coach. Finding a coach with certifications, for instance the one The Running Blonde possesses from Road Runners Club of America (RRCA), & you’re likely golden. Much of the knowledge learned & information explained during the RRCA certification course is not something that an everyday runner would discover from just simply running. Some people would argue that longevity of running supersedes a certification course. However, while wisdom gained over time is vital, some of the theory explained in the certification course might never be learned despite how long a runner had been hitting the pavement.
So you might be asking yourself, “How would I benefit from a running coach” A couple of those answers are explained below. There are definitely more reasons out there, but I picked the top 3 that I feel are most important. In the world of running, personal coaching is definitely becoming more & more popular as runners are focusing more on improving speed, becoming healthier, & staying injury-free.
Reason #1: This Personalized Training Plan Is Just For YOU!
Any person can Google search a half marathon training plan. But it takes a true running coach to provide you with a plan that works for YOU & YOUR life. If you’re like me & work 24-hour shifts twice a week, well running 6 days a week is kind of impossible. Sure, use the internet to get you started on your running journey, but at some point, it’s definitely time to put the burden of your training onto someone else’s shoulders. You will thank me, I promise!
RRCA coaches (& other certified running coaches, for instance, USATF coaches) are well-versed on creating training plans that focus on the basic principles of running, building distance & pace; all while keeping you as injury-free as possible. For some athletes, they need a 60 mile/week plan to PR at their half marathon distance. Other runners can pull out with ease a personal best time while doing 30 miles/week. Most internet “cookie-cutter” plans call for a 7-day running week. Well have you ever considered a 10-day cycle? Have you also considered adding in a variety of tempo & interval runs? A running coach would be privy to these sorts of options when planning your training session.
This explanation is not meant to “knock” the internet plans. God knows they helped get me to the finish line of my first half marathon! However, after becoming a certified running coach, I am now aware of just how flawed that first (& subsequent!) plan was & how at risk I put myself for a) not being ready on race day & b) at risk for becoming injured.
Reason #2: I Will Keep You Accountable, Whether You Like It Or Not!
I have awakened at 5am, just to get my morning training run in. This then makes my running partner set her alarm for the exact same time. Perfect example of accountability. Do I want to wake up at 5am on my day off? Heck NO. Will my run make me stronger? Absolutely. Will my partner be annoyed if I dip out on the run? YES. Whatever reason gets you out of bed & lacing up your sneakers, then so be it. For me, I know I don’t want to negativity affect someone’s daybreak, simply because I was lazy & chose to stay in bed. I also run better in the wee morning hours.
A coach can have this same affect on his or her athletes. As a client, I don’t want to have to explain to my coach why I could not get my runs in for that particular week. Sure if I am sick or injured, those are legitimate excuses. But if laziness overtook me, that is a lousy reason. And we all know we perform better if we know someone is “watching” us!
On speed work day, it is easy to mentally quit with for example, 2 intervals left. However, what good does that do for your psyche & legs? On race day, you wouldn’t quit with a ½ mile to go, now would you?! So why would you want to during a workout? Simply put, we are human. It happens to the best of us. The work is hard, but the payoff is glorious. A coach specially plans your workouts, based on exactly what you need {based on race distance, current performance, etc}. If you need to do 8 repeats, then hearing your coach’s voice in your head, or physically on the track sideline, might be just the motivation you need to pound through those last 2 intervals.
Reason #3: Hand Holding Is Available When Needed!
Although running is a personal sport, sometimes we all need our “village” to support us when the going gets tough. As an amateur runner, I would kick myself if I missed one workout. I now have the knowledge, wisdom, & race experience to understand that missing one {or even a couple} run(s) is not going to kill my race. Sometimes, we all just need to take a day off! An understanding coach will relate to this & can differentiate a much needed “personal rest day” vs. a “lazy person day”.
Have you even been in a running funk, where EVERY workout produced paces much slower than you felt you deserved or actually ran? A running coach can be your personal sounding board to tell you that it will all be okay; if not okay, to be your realist & help you modify your current expectations.
Sometimes we all need a teacher to thoroughly explain just what we are supposed to do. I recall during my early running days & seeing internet training plans. I certainly could not comprehend just what 4×1000 + 90 sec RI meant. This shorthand is not second nature to me & makes perfect sense. Your certified running coach can be just a text away to calm your nerves & help you understand any & all assigned workouts!
Have you ever used a running coach? If so, how awesome was the experience?!
Markslide says
I liked the training plan that you scheduled for me and I liked that you were my running coach (for my 8-week training before running a Tough Mudder). The experience was really awesome. And I mostly had you for my running coach for Reason #2, because I tried a running schedule on my own one summer during my college years and I didn’t finish it, but I did complete your training, because you were keeping tabs on me.
therunningblonde says
Mark, you stuck with it & did AWESOME! I hope I taught you something, because you, along with all of my other athletes, teach me things daily. 🙂