“They make you accountable, so you’re more likely to show up and give 100 percent during your workout because you know that someone else is counting on you.” –Andrew Allden, Women’s Cross-Country Coach at the U. of South Carolina
In mid-2012, as a new mom & a revived post-partum runner, I met Julie. Although our paths may have previously crossed, this is when we officially introduced ourselves to each other. Funny story of just how small the community in urban Norfolk is, Julie actually taught my younger sister in high school History & Julie’s older sister taught my older sister in high school English. On top of that, our husbands were lifeguards together in the early 90s. Small world for sure!
Shortly after we became friends, Julie was happily blessed to be pregnant with her 2nd child. As I pondered this blog post, I had a tough time pin-pointing the exact time in which I began viewing Julie as my running buddy. It was likely after she gave birth to her sweet baby girl… even though we had logged plenty of miles on the road prior to her giving birth; many of which, with our dear friend Caitlin {we love & miss you!}.
During the 2013 Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach ½ Marathon, we decided to tackle the Shamrock ½ Marathon in 2014 together. From my point of view, the Rock ‘n’ Roll ½ Marathon was a pivotal point in our friendship & running relationship. As I struggled around mile 7, she stuck by my side. When she struggled around mile 9, I stuck by her side. That is what true running partners do: Support. Trust. Encourage. Push. Motivate. Keep Accountable. She knew I needed her & I knew she needed me.
Our training plans commenced in mid-November. We opted for a longer training cycle, which included a 5K approximately 1 month after the start. During this race, I learned another clear value of a good running partner. The faster partner who can pace you, in order to improve your 5K time by over 90 seconds!
As the cold months wore on, we helped each other to remain accountable. With an unseasonably cold winter, I pushed Julie out the door super, duper early on some ridiculously bitter mornings. Sorry about that {but really, I am not}! Other times, just simply checking in with each other via text message would be all the motivation we’d needed to make sure we got our runs in.
Whether talking about our boys, who are just 6 months apart, or the love we have for our beloved city & its’ attractions, there is never a dull moment for our conversations. Nothing is TMI with us & some of our convos would make grown men blush! Don’t worry Julie, I won’t elaborate here! Even in the silent running moments, it is not awkward. Although many of our interests don’t jive (her love of History & my love of Math….. ha!), we have in common our love for running, children, family, food, & becoming better people; amongst many other things. She has taught me SO much about who I am as a person & was an integral part in pushing me to my RRCA Coaching Certification. Our personalities are quite different, but hey, opposites attract, right?! She is quiet & more reserved, while I am louder & more obnoxious. In my opinion though, our character trait differences definitely complement each other nicely. She is probably cursing me out loud as she reads this, for writing about her & allowing the “world” to see. Sorry friend, I always give credit, where credit is due!!
While reading a recent article in Runners World, I was pleasantly surprised that Julie & I’s running partnership did not meet any of the “avoid this” categories. We are simply perfect for each other! Love it! I hope to one day possess the ease of running & good listener skills she possesses. And I am sure she hopes to one day be as graceful of a faller & as blunt of a person as I am! Right Julie?!
I would not be the runner I am today without the calm & level-headed partner that I am so blessed to have. My wish for all runners, near & far, is that you are LUCKY enough to find a person in your life, JUST LIKE THIS. A good running partner can not only become a close friend, they can help propel you to your own greatness.
So Julie, when you hit the pavement on Sunday, my wish for you is:
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
-Irish Blessing
I hope that when I see you at the finish {please wait for me! hehe}, you are completely elated & have reached your goal time! SHAMROCK ON, my dear friend!! Good Luck as well to all the other Shamrock runners!
“Running is ultimately a personal experience. It is a revival of the spirit, a private oasis for the thirsty mind. Yet, its healing power only increases in the presence of others. Run together and the oasis grows cooler and more satisfying.” –Amby Burfoot
Caitlin says
Oh how I miss running with the two of you. I always think back to our long runs, our cold runs, our short runs, our double stroller runs, and every one in between. I miss you so! XOXO
therunningblonde says
So true friend! Those were the days. 🙂 They will hopefully reoccur one day, although I think we’ll be stroller-less by then. Ha! xoxo
Markslide says
I really hope that I find a running buddy as perfect as you found. In the mean time, I will be happy to have you as my running coach to keep me accountable.
therunningblonde says
I hope so too, Mark!