Today, I ran the CHKD Run/Walk for the Kids 8K for the 4th time in the last 5 years. The only year I haven’t run since my first appearance in 2010 was in 2011 when I was pregnant with the twins. This race holds a special place in my personal heart, as well as in my runner’s heart.
As of yesterday, I have been employed by CHKD for 9 years. As of today, I ran my very first race 4 years ago.
The race today, amongst all of the fantastic teams & circles, raised thousands of dollars for the only local free-standing children’s hospital. The babies I care for at work are truly “million dollar babies”; whose care takes a ridiculous amount of money, but to their loved ones, is ohhhh so worth it! With this hospital as the race beneficiary, who could not love this race!?!?
Leading up to the race, I really didn’t know if I could accomplish my race goal of finishing in under 40:xx—with all that has been going on personally over the last month. Although the anniversary trip to Antigua in mid-May was fabulous, it had thrown off my running. I had eaten like a piglet, which finally helped me understand the importance of being lean to help produce the best running results. With my knee finally better, my speedwork had resumed, but not until this past week was I able to run at the paces I had previously trained. At home, the boys have been revolting against our normal sleeping routine, which is enough in itself to make any sane person go nuts. On top of that, the day prior to the race was extremely stressful—thanks to a silly little boy getting lost at the Aquarium (fear not, the sweet volunteers found him!).
On the night prior to the race, I prepared the same meal that helped me PR this year at the Shamrock Half Marathon—chicken picctta. YUM! I laid out my clothes & was in bed by 11pm. The alarm blared on race morning at 6am. I quickly got up, got dressed, & prepared the mini-people. I also concocted a cute sign for the back of my sister’s shirt (see below). We arrived downtown, only a 10 minute drive, by 7am. After seeing the port-a-potty’s looooonnngg line, I knew there was no chance for bladder relief, so I just told myself to “suck it up, buttercup”! We retrieved our race packets, pinned our bibs, & then headed over to the pre-determined meet-up spot to hang with the ladies; mostly my Stroller Strides spring running club.
Just prior to the “gun” going off, Julie & I had a quick jog to get our legs warm. This would be our only run together today since she is quicker than I—which I should mention, she did FAB-u-LOUS (2nd place AG in 35:54 & 10th lady overall)!
Sophia & I had texted on the night prior to the race about running together again. She had a goal time of 7:30-ish pace. I knew my pacing could be anywhere from 7:30-7:50, so we decided to start together. At about the 5K point, she ran ahead as her legs were clearly on FIRE today (5th place AG in 37:23)!
About the time my race turned into solo running today, I was reminiscent of last years’ race demise. After a long stretch on a main road, you curve off onto another main road, then run by a middle school (in fact, the one I attended!), then pass the minor league baseball stadium. Just before approaching the stadium last year, my race had crumbled. I was exhausted & felt dehydrated. I recall 2 of my friends that {nicely} passed me, which was absolutely devastating. Today, with all these flashbacks fresh in my mind, I chose to run conservatively. None of these “devastations” happened today. Sure I was tired, but not exhausted. I could have pushed harder, but instead I kept all of my miles just under the 8:00 mark; which would assure me a 3x:xx finish.
Today, I only had one goal in mind: cross before the 40 minute mark….. even if it was 39:59, I would be thrilled! I can happily report that I was successful in doing just that!!
Final time: 39:31 (7:55 average pace for 4.99 miles, according to my Garmin 620 / 7:57 average pace for 4.97 miles, according to the race timing company). Good enough for a 6th place AG finish & 29th female overall!
Mile 1 – 7:53
Mile 2 – 7:55
Mile 3 – 7:52
Mile 4 – 7:57
Mile 5 – 7:58
My race & day would not have been complete without seeing the ladies that I’ve trained this season cross the finish line. I’d like to share their AWESOME runs, as I truly believe in giving credit where credit is due!! You women ROCK!!!!! (we missed you Sara & Elisa, but hope you’re both back to 100% health VERY soon!!) And Jen, thanks for being our personal photographer today!
Abby – 1:01:23 (12:21/mile) {this chick just started running 9 months ago!!}
Allie – 40:47 (8:12/mile) {this momma has a 7 month old AND has been nursing a hubby with a broken back, back to health!!}
Erin – 40:26 (8:08/mile) {this is ONLY her 2nd race EVER & just began getting serious about running 8 weeks ago!!}
Julie – 35:54 (7:13/mile) {my runner partner ROCKS—see me rave about her above!!}
Lynn – 40:12 (8:05/mile) {this mother of 3 awesome kids is moving to Japan in 6 weeks; no excuses folks!!}
Meridyth – 56:55 (11:27/mile) {this lady had a baby THREE months ago, while her hubby was & still is deployed; SUPERHERO mother!!}
AND did I mention that my hubby Scott ran today, with the double BOB stroller + 2 toddler boys (~100 pounds of pushing); with an 12th place AG finish in 48:39 (9:47/mile)!! LOVE you baby & Happy Father’s Day!
Shout-outs are also due to some of my other running/walking buddies!! Laura, Lea, Mary, Kellie, Kristy, Michelle, Karen, Carrie, Kristina & Lesleyanne. You my friends are what make this running community SO awesome to be a part of! xo
Up Next For The Running Blonde: Seashore Summer Trail Half on July 13th (unless I decide to do a shorter/smaller local race before then!)
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